Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to quickly create different types of Lines In MS Word 2007

How to quickly create different types of Lines In MS Word 2007. How do you guys usually make the lines in Word 2007. Use the mouse kah? If Yes, this time you can try using the keyboard. With the keyboard, we will be able to create different types of lines in Word 2007. Interested? Silakah tipsnya Follow along Tips and computer tricks here.

Here's how to create different types of lines in Word 2007.

First, if we want to make a simple straight line, type three strip (---) and then press ENTER.

Second, if we want to make a dotted line, type three asterisks (***) and then press ENTER.

Third, if we want to make a straight line thicker, type three underscore (underscore) (___) and then press ENTER.

Fourth, if you want to create a straight line, type three double equals (===) and then press ENTER.

Fifth, if we want to make a triple line, type three sharp signs (###) and then press ENTER
Sixth, if we want to make the line zigzag, type three tildes signature (~ ~ ~) and then press ENTER.

The results of these six each way is like the following screenshot. (For more details, please click on the image of her).

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