Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ninjapins can be less evidence for your pins

When I first went to College, I was told pins to use dorm room wall, because of the hole that they to leave behind.

Now is the Ninjapins intended to leave less of a trade mark. They would have to, because they are named after the assassins to kill in the secret. I wonder what feels the Ninja AskANinja about it.

The Ninjapin has a round point on it, but rather one marked "L" slot. As you can see less of a brand leaves your regular PIN.

Admittedly, it is still a hole, but will get one noticed not by your landlord. I suspect that it may even ninjas without notes are a blow hit.

Traditionally, you have to hide a pinhole camera in your wall, that most people try and with toothpaste. I have never tried this method at that time, when I lived in my college dorm, but it apparently works. Leave a comment if you can testify that this method is good.

You should purchase a 5-piece set of AssistOn for about $5. This is $1 per PIN, and they have the form for excerpts such as regular pins necessary. I'll let you decide whether this is a good investment. It depends on your landlord charges for damage.

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