Thursday, August 18, 2011

Make Text Upside-Down With The Help Of Script

How To Create Text Upside-Down With The Help Of The Script. Sometimes we want to make something nyleneh the (weird), other than in the other. Included in the published writings make and read by others, for example through a blog, forum, update status facebook, twitter, chat, and more. By doing this, for some people it is pride. The writing nyleneh which Tips tricks computers mean is writing that upside down. If interested, please follow the following tipsnya.

With respect to such matters, Tips tricks computers will center the script that we can use to make writing become inverted. The Script Tips tricks computers get from http://finderonly.comsite).
The steps are as follows.

First, the script copy below.

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = utf-8 ">
the reverse Inscription Make
< style type = "text/css" >
textarea {font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", upside-down}

< script language = "JavaScript" >
function flip () {
var result = flipString (document f. toLowerCase. value. ());
document f. flipped. value = result;
function () {flipString (aString)
var last = aString. length-1;
var result = new Array (aString. length)
for (var i = last; i > = 0;--i) {
var c = aString. charAt (i)
var r = flipTable [c]
result [last-i] = r! = undefined? r: c
return result. join (' ')
var flipTable = {
a: ' \u0250 ',
b: ' q ',
c: ' \u0254 ',
d: ' p ',
e: ' \u01DD ',
f: ' \u025F ',
g: ' \u0183 ',
h: ' \u0265 ',
i: ' \u0131 ',
a: the ' \u027E ',
k: ' \u029E ',
//l: ' \u0283 ',
m: ' \u026F ',
n: ' u ',
r: ' \u0279 ',
t: ' \u0287 ',
v: ' \u028C ',
w: ' \u028D ',
y: ' \u028E ',
'. ': ' \u02D9 ',
'[' : ']',
'(' : ')',
'{' : '}',
'? ': ' \u00BF ',
'! ': ' \u00A1 ',
"\'" : ',',
' ≪ ': ' > ',
' _ ': ' \u203E ',
'\\' : '/',
'; ': ' \u061B ',
' \u203F ': ' \u2040 ',
' \u2045 ': ' \u2046 ',
' \u2234 ': ' \u2235 '
for (i in flipTable) {
flipTable [flipTable [i]] = i

< body linkifytime = "0" = "0" linkified linkifying = "false" >
the reverse Inscription


< form name = "f" >
Original article:

< textarea rows = "6" cols = "50" name = "original" onkeyup = "flip" () ">

The reverse inscription:

< textarea rows = "6" cols = "50" name = "flipped" >

Second, notepad and then open the pastekan script.

Third, save the script with extension (.html)

Fourth, run the file by clicking on the double.

Fifth, wait a few moments until the file is open by default browser that we use to surf the internet.

It looks like below.

Sixth, type the text that we want textarea at the top then proceed by pressing ENTER and automatically in textarea the bottom of the article will appear upside down.

Seventh, copy text backwards and then we canpastemem--kan were on the forums, blogs, chat, facebook/twitter status updates, or more.

Eighth, good luck.

( source:)
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