Friday, August 5, 2011

Web Application development methodology

The methodology is the way used by a person regularly by filling out a job. Which is in my opinion. The word methodology widely used in project management. Due to the success of the project is also determined by the selection of the methodology to be used in this project. In the same way in our Web applications development projects require an appropriate methodology to produce the desired result web application.

In the world of software engineering, a more conventional methodology consists of 5 phases, namely:

  1. Phases of the requirement or the need for research, in this phase, we know exactly what the hell is seeking is required, the object of an application development project, and this kind of results you want.
  2. The analysis phase, at this stage based on the results returned need, then we will decide what type of application you want made, featured anything is required, a problem that is likely to face us, everything we need in the development process, etc..
  3. Phase of design at this stage, we will make a plan or design of the application to be based on the results of the previous analysis. By example, based on the results of our analysis will create multiple applications features, now, we need to design a database in the table is approximately required for featured. In addition, the results of the analysis, we make the appearance of the application. The structure of the necessary application kayaking how, what functions will be created, etc.
  4. The phase of development, the stages of the implementation of the results, analysis and design. At this stage, we will write the appropriate code that had been planned earlier in the design phase. At this stage also carried out tests of a function has been run as desired.
  5. The installation phase, after ensuring that all functions have been going well and have met the criteria that you want in a phase of requirement then would be the installation application on the server or the computer that will be used to run this application.

The above is the phase of the standard which is dynamic. Not forever each phase will be ignored. Sometimes, we return to a previous step to correct the deficiencies that exist. There are also several phases which are combined to make it more simple or separated for more details.

It is a classic of the methodology of application development projects. What is web application development projects. Essentially because the applications and methodology above can also be used. But sometimes we need a special method that is for us more comfortable. I myself have a separate method in the process of developing web applications. But actually adopted the method above, but with some changes or simply change the words to fit my way.

Here is a typical web development methodology to use:

  1. Requirement of phase, similar to the method above. In this phase, I try to discover some of the following questions:
    • What is needed?
    • What is the purpose of this request?
    • what you want to accomplish?
    • is there a reference or an example?
    • that is the target of the use of this application?

    After obtaining the answer to this question, then I just starts the next phase.

  2. Determination of phase feature and function, at this stage of your search results based on the needs of the application, then I define the features and functions that will be created to meet the needs that exist. Featured are divided in part major or large features first, and then was defined as the smallest. For example, on the application of the CMS, one of the main feature is a blog, then blog features has been defined as features of tagging, category, comment, etc. At this stage of the note is if the list of features and functions that are created have needs of desired.
  3. Phases of data collection, content, images and other files needed for the development of the application. Based on a list of features and functions that will be developed, then I will collect the data and files required for the functions and features.
  4. Analysis of phase and design, at this stage, I am analysing the data which were collected in the previous steps and in a draft of the analysis of the results. For example, on the basis of the existing features then I designed the database tables required by each feature. Based on existing data and content, I also did the design of display applications. In addition, I have also compiled application such as a menu structure, sitemap, etc.
  5. The coding phase, at this stage that I began to write program code. Usually begins by changing the file image in html light fireworks template. After that create a framework for applications such as the structure of files and folders and began development for each feature functions.
  6. The phase of installation and testing, at this stage, that I did the installation on the server where the web application will run. Of course after that do test your premises and machinery first make sure that all functions are okay. On the server will be also made tests in order to ensure the application can be run on the server. At this stage will also conducted beta test where some people will try to use the applications and give comments or related to the operation of the application.
  7. Phases of launch, on this phase after a certain application is running on the server and then I will make a good socialization in the real world or virtual worlds. Some of them make a post on the forums, the applications of social network such as facebook, post to other blogs and socialization.

This is the method I use in my web application development. As before each phase of the non-binding but as much as possible of the existing stream. In reality the methodology above also my adaptation of one of the Agile development the Feature Driven Development (FDD)methods. FDD is a method of developing application mengfokuskan on the feature or function you want to develop.

Fundamentally the methodology developed to make the results of work for the better. But of course the methodology that you use should match the yourself. Use a method that suits you best and see if the best results. If it does not consider other methodology while remaining compatible with you.


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